Bloggers come and bloggers go

It seems to me that the blogging world is changing at the moment. It seems as though there has been a slow down in the number of people starting new blogs and those who are keeping them may be keeping them slightly less often.

Twitter and Facebook updates (which are a form of micro-blogging) have superseded the one-line, one-thought blog post of yore and now people seem more likely to crank up their blog when they’ve got something significant to say rather than making posts morning, noon and night.

I think we are seeing some folk give up the habit too. That’s not really surprising. Bloggers come and bloggers go. The ones most likely to last seem often to be those who were early adopters – those who came to the blogging banquet early and have been sharing their wares for the longest time.

A lot of commenting has gone on to Facebook and twitter too. I’m so lucky to have people congregating around this blog who sometimes want to have a conversation. That’s often what keeps me going. I know that a blog works best when it stimulates a community though that does not stop it being a performance event.

I regret the move towards commenting on Facebook in some ways – often I post something here and post a link to in on Facebook to drive people to read it and then the conversation happens over there in semi-private rather than over here in public. I kind of understand why that happens but it is a sadness sometimes that people are not prepared to stand up and say good things out loud.

Trends I expect in blogging in the future –

  • more blogs moving to longer blog posts
  • more blogs moving to slightly less frequency
  • better ways of linking the community element of blogging to Facebook and Twitter
  • those who do make the effort to blog through this time will become even more influential in their sphere
  • increasing attention being paid to quality of writing

I can’t quite make my mind up where we are going with video. I don’t think the videoblogging phenomena has much energy in it but suspect that being able to make and post video easily is increasingly a part of the story.

What do you think?

What people are searching for

Here is the latest list of the things that people are searching for, which result in them alighting on this blog:

As ever, there’s a constant stream of people looking for my pancake recipe and also for commentary on what the Mothers’ Union think about gay people.

What do you want me to write about?