He took what? A Chalice?

I’ve just been listening on the Radio to the new revision of the English translation of the Latin Mass of the Roman Catholic Church. It is being introduced this weekend across England and Wales and the service was obviously meant to showcase it.

I wouldn’t normally be that interested in the liturgical goings on of another denomination, after all, liturgical change is all around us all the time. However, this one is worthy of comment.

A new edition of the mass in any church is always likely to have its cheerleaders and its detractors. Such is the nature of the process. In this case, I feel a bit sorry for friends in the Roman Catholic church who can see the clock being very gently and very firmly turned back from Rome. Partly as a consequence of reintroducing archaisms that are really long gone from the way people speak, the “new” mass does occasionally sound rather clunky.

However, that is not my greatest regret. I’m saddest most of all because for several sweet decades, our liturgies were converging. We used the same texts for significant parts of the service and prayed the same prayers. More specifically, we sang the same canticles and composers could compose services which Roman Catholics and Anglicans (and no doubt others) could pick up and use easily. Now we can’t because the texts have been unitarily changed by Rome. Very many Roman Catholics pitch up at St Mary’s and find it hard to know which church they are in. (Curiously, quite a few foreign Roman Catholics make it to the end of the mass without realising they are not in a Roman Catholic service even when one of my female colleagues is celebrating, and I don’t understand that at all).

Now, Rome can do what it likes. That’s the point, I suppose. However, the current time when we begin to diverge again should not pass without a lament.

The mass on the radio was dignified and well done. There was just one moment when one could hear the sound of spluttering cornflakes in rectories across the land.

“He took the chalice….” said the priest, reciting the canon of the new mass.

He did what?!

It we are in that business, I’d suggest a better translation might be:

“He took the Holy Grail..”

Newman. Pope. Feast Day.

David | Dah•veed has alterted me to something that I had not previously been aware of, which is that the intention is apparently to name 9 October as the Feast Day for John Henry Newman, which is the anniversary of his conversion from Anglicanism to Roman Catholicism. As has been pointed out politely elsewhere, this is does seem rather crass ecumenically.

Does anyone know of any other saints whose Feast Day is marked by the date of their joining of the Roman Catholic Church? I’m aware of the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul, but that seems to me to be of another order entirely.

I’d be interested to know if there is any precident for the Newman decision. Anyone know?