What people are searching for

Here is the latest list of the things that people are searching for, which result in them alighting on this blog:

As ever, there’s a constant stream of people looking for my pancake recipe and also for commentary on what the Mothers’ Union think about gay people.

What do you want me to write about?

What people are looking for on my blog

The following search terms have brought people from search engines to the blog recently.

  • spanish biretta (who, me?)
  • bad typography (quite a common one – links to this post)
  • how to baptise someone (better re-read this, I’m baptising on Sunday)
  • managing queues at mcdonalds (no idea)
  • bishop of argyll and the isles (I’ve let it be known that I’d do it, so long as I can do it on a Wednesday afternoon, & don’t have to leave St Mary’s. Why is this not being taken seriously? Search engines are presumably sending people to the post: Who wants to be Bishop of Argyll and The Isles.)
  • sermon on leah (oh, how I did enjoy that sermon)
  • the gay mothers’ union (I’m saying nothing! Sounds like a good idea though)
  • “mothers union” anglican lesbian (presumably the sister organisation)
  • capello romano (No, I’m not remotely tempted. Why do people think I’m into vestments?)
  • carl rosa opera (Oh, how a bad review can linger online forever)