All people – All people that on earth do dwell

Several people have asked me who it was who chose the music for last Sunday morning's service. The answer this time is that it was me. Usually, that is not my job though I do take my part in the creative process. Luckily, the my taste overlaps reasonably well with the Director of Music's taste.

It has to be said that there were those who raised a questioning eyebrow at the combination of words and music to the first hymn on Sunday morning. One hymn to the tune of another it might have been, but there was nothing more appropriate to sing than All People that on Earth do Dwell to the tune of that old English warhorse, Jerusalem. I'm no nationalist, but the fact that Scotland is not England was certainly one of the themes of the whole weekend for me.

As it was, the singing of this hymn was extraordinary. The microphones on the cameras don't quite capture what we heard from the front, which was an amazing wall of sound. It lay somewhere between the triumph of a happy football crowd and the conviction of a congregation that has arisen to good news on an Easter Day following a good Holy Week.

Which brings me to your +Gene clip of the day – the opening sequence, which begins with last Sunday's organist Mr Oliver Rundell's clever weaving of another anthem into our worship.

I'm getting better at editing the video, don't you think?


  1. Really enjoying your clips, Kelvin. Never thought I’d say this, but I’m becoming a little jealous that I WASN’T there!

  2. Very professional! Interesting to notice the delay in sync at the start – your long aisle creating the distance from that camera. Now, what about some good sound system for that singing …..?

  3. Just when you think it can’t get any better, a flick of a miter proves you wrong…

  4. Ollie’s playing really matches the congregation – wonderful.

    Video editing – the close up of you is a bit grainy – the jury is still out…………

  5. …no-one from the South Side 😉

  6. Moyra says

    I shall have to remember that words and tune combination. I’ve just sung it through to myself, and really liked it.

  7. Andrew says

    ‘All people’ to ‘Jerusalem’! I had to listen and you win again, Kelvin – it works a treat. Actually, there was a version of the Blake words published in Life and Work in 1915, which ended ‘in Scotland’s fair and pleasant land’ But ‘All people’ is better.
    In Edinburgh, there was a quieter celebration with +Gene. We tramped through the monsoon to celebrate the Transfiguration with him. Very moving in every way. Pity he has had to go home now. I also saw him at the Lambeth Conference (where he wasn’t) – a great meeting between him, Una Kroll and Donald Reeves. A pity they were not allowed through the security fence


  1. […] you can see the +Gene mitre-moment on the video that I posted at the time. I was rather smug at getting better at making videos at that time, I see. I’ve got rather […]

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