I remember someone once saying a little unkindly of Richard Holloway (the retired Bishop of Edinburgh) that he never had an unpublished thought. Blogging can seem to be a bit like that. A whole new culture which will affect some of the things that I care about very much, for example, both politics and religion. It was widely reported recently that someone had said that one day a blogger will become President of the USA simply by being able to convince people of his or her accessibility. This does seem likely. Being a priest in an online world is going to be very different too – most of my colleagues have no idea of the potential. New ways for people to be members of a congregation too – you can go and worship in one on a Sunday morning, but be nurtured from somewhere else (online sermons and forums etc) via the net. Which reminds me, I must restore the forums to the church website – they were not used by many people, but they were used quite a lot during the few months in which they existed. The whole site needs to be upgraded and redesigned too – I ought to get round to this before the students come back to Stirling in another month's time and I get busy again.It is nice to see that someone has left a comment on one of the entries below. I guess that people are shy.
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