Spent last evening with the Ecumenical Relations Committee of the Glasgow Presbytery. They had asked me along to talk about The Usual Topic. It was a good evening with lots of questions and discussion. The Presbytery had just last week had a vote about whether or not ministers should be free to bless gay couples without facing disciplinary action from the church. Glasgow voted against by about 2 to 1. If anyone had told me a few years ago that as many as a third of the members of Glasgow Presbytery would get up out of their seats and stand up to vote in favour of a motion like that I would not have believed it. It is amazing how fast things are changing.
Tonight I’m off to another speaking engagement – well I expect it will turn into more of a workshop really. Off to meet the Curates of Edinburgh (who sound like an early music ensemble, don’t they?) to discuss with them the topic: “How to make the church do what you want.” Makes a change, I suppose.
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