I received the holy mysteries yesterday from someone who celebrated wearing brown shoes.
The shoes in question were beautifully polished and the feet that they were on were of the most reverend quality, (the Most!) but it still bothers me 24 hours later.
Time we rewrote the canon on clergy dress, I think.
Tell me someone do, is my desire for shiny black footwear at the altar of the Lord merely my own sad fetish which I should deal with quietly and with appropriate counselling?
I have often thought that sandals (and no socks) should be acceptable footwear in church.
If it were not for my religious upbringing, I would blame Mother Ruth and the members of the band of servers whom I was exposed to at St Michael and All Saints, Tollcross, during my training. However, they and I know better.
I see no reason why bare feet should not be acceptable in hot climes.
Sandals (with or without socks, but don’t get me started on how stylish, or not, either is!), steel toecapped boots, trainers, football boots, wellies, bare feet, luminous or bright coloured socks, Homer Simpson slippers – these are all perfectly acceptable in church, except of course if you are officiating, serving or in the choir.
There is no question and there can be no debate, black shoes (and dark socks) under robes is absolutely required. This is one fetish I share with Kelvin (the only one I’ve identified so far!).
Having received the HMs from a Right Revd whose pink suede desert boots were well visible under his Easter gladrags, I should be immune to offensive footwear.
But I’m not.
Not only black, but flat and silent please. They’re known as Cathedral Creepers – or Sanctuary Slippers – in the trade.
Oooh, now that sanctuary slippers have been mentioned, I remember seeing a glorious pair of white sanctuary slippers being worn in Oban. Although their presence did draw my attention away from the Holy Mysteries, it was in a good way.
Pink suede desert boots on a bishop indeed! This is what the African church is so frightened of you see.
Sandals with no socks are acceptable without question if you are a Franciscan.
And wearing a habit.
Clearly a fetish. Just as well you won’t ever be pope.
Does ‘hot climes’ include summer?
Besides, what is one to do if one doesn’t actually own a pair of black, shiny, flat, silent shoes . . . .
Kelvin could your sad fetish be a throwback to time spent in your far distant youth in Clydebank and Yorkshire
Dear Reverend Holdsworth,
My name is Kevin Holdsworth. I live in the United States–in Green River, Wyoming. My wife is active on our local Vestry–St. Marks. I’m wearing brown shoes today. We have two cats. My family originates in Yorkshire. There’s a village there called Holdsworth Hamlet that I visited many years ago. I have checked out your blog from time to time and find these coincidences amusing. Truly, Kevin Holdsworth