Richard Giles’s book is a modern, best-selling handbook on the design and use of church buildings. The prose is at once funny, profound and opinionated. Paradoxically, this is liturgical space management from someone who would affirm the primacy of the whole people of God and yet also is a Priest Who Knows Best. Excellent illustrations make this a book to be thumbed through and mulled over as much as a book to read from cover to cover. It transforms the ways in which Church buildings can be viewed and enables readers to see them afresh as a vital part of church mission strategy. This is an inspirational and creative book written by one of the world’s leading experts on liturgical space.
Book Review – Re-Pitching the tent
21/07/2007 By 1 Comment
One of my favourite books and to read it without saying, “Oh, if only…” is nigh impossible.
Loved this quote:
‘The producers of a recent TV drama set in Edwardian England had to dismantle every sign of modern life when filming in the village street, but inside the village church they didn’t have to change a thing.’