Presbyterian Bloggers?

I was asked earlier this week whether or not there was a network of bloggers within the Church of Scotland akin to the Scottish Episcopal Blog Posse. I’m not sure that there is.

Can anyone point me to persons blogging about the Church of Scotland? (And I don’t mean Episcopalians, I mean those who belong to the C of S).

Last Sunday the church that I attended on holiday had 29 people present, 6 of whom, including the glamorous priest, keep blogs. Are there internet ley lines that all meet on the Cowal Peninsular? They are even coming up from England – Tom Allan (aka Big Bulky Anglican) should be there this week.


  1. The Speak (as in Lewis Grassic Gibbon) is that HT is indeed situated on a congruence of ley-lines – but I think the relative isolation of its bloggers has more relevance in this case.

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