High Altar for All Souls

Whilst we are on the subject of All Souls, this is what the High Altar looked like last Friday. Lots of large candles leading up to it too. Gorgeous.

Oh yes, and before I forget, many thanks to the person (unknown to me) who remembered to bedeck the place with white lilies in time for the service. They looked lovely.


All Souls Altar


  1. What exactly is that on the altar?

  2. kelvin says

    It is the high church, gothic equivalent of the floaty silk scarves with which you probably became so familiar at TISEC.

    It was probably designed to put on a coffin on a bier.

  3. Kimberley – It is the Coffin Veil that is part of the Black and Gold Mass set (Chasuble, Stole, Maniple, Burse & Veil).

    Needless to say all the other items were also in use.

  4. All I can say is Gorgeoso. Love it.

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