It is a weekend of several Provosts. The Provost of the Cathedral of the Diocese of Gothenburg is here this weekend so I’m off to Kelvingrove today being a tourguide.
Tomorrow, I’m hoping to meet the new Provost of St Paul’s Cathedral in Dundee. Thus, three Provosts are likely to meet in the same place at the same time, thus raising the inevitable question. What is the collective noun?
Your suggestions please.
Is this the chap (not the bishop).
If so, pass on my regards – we met in September when we were in Gothenburg.
If not, here’s some pics of the cathedral so that he doesn’t get homesick:
A puff of Provosts? ( all manner of lovely connotations0
Surely ‘A Pride of Provosts’ ?
If this was a Presbyterian gathering and you had an equal number of lay folk present, you could have a Presbytery meeting!
What Episcopalians holding a Presbytery meeting!!!
Pride wins hands down so far.
Awwww – I thought we were looking for unattributed collectives here!
‘Pride’ should win.
But possibly a Posing.
an afterthought: I suspect it’s a Puff of Precentors, a clatter of curates, a posse of priests, a riot of rectors, a drove a deacons, and a dash of Deans. (bishops, anyone?)
A bank of bishops? A bluster of bishops? a barney of bishops?
A Murder of Provosts?