The Gaiter Controversies

Fearing that the Anglican Communion does not have enough controversy, division and dissent, I must ask you to respond to the following questions:

Gaiters – yes or no?

Gaiters on Provosts (or Cathedral Deans) – yes or no?

Gaiters on this Provost – yes or no?

The picture on Bishop David’s blog will provide you with all the preliminary material you need in the first instance. The PhD on gaiters is here. Of course, this is not the first time we have dealt with Praepostorial Footwear.


  1. Muriel says

    Gaiters? Hmm! Many many years ago Provost Reginald Foskett of St.Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh, wore gaiters and a fine figure of a man he was. But he had really seriously good ankles and legs – so shapely that women in the congregation were jealous (including his wife).

    So ankles would have to be examined first for suitability – this could be a task for the other Cathedral clergy?

    I think the Dean would suit gaiters – and I am sure so would you. Go for it!

  2. Elizabeth says

    No, definitely no. Unless you’re hillwalking and anticipate long, wet grass and/or snow.

  3. I shall only answer the third question, thrice:

    no, no, no.

    And if you were to argue that you would look stunning in gaiters now, you should prove it first by wearing a kilt.

  4. kelvin says

    That is one qualified yes depending on the ankles and two saying no. I think that the vote for the kilt is opportunistic.

    More please.

  5. Argyll clergy often wear the kilt, but not the Dean. Never. Ankles are very important, as is the relative length of the calf. I don’t think men tend to have cankles, but this would be another turn-off.
    I’d echo KB, but to every question: No, no and no.
    (The final comment is not personal, as I am personally unacquainted with your legs, but is the logical outcome of the previous negatives)

  6. kelvin says

    Chris – do you mean that the current Dean does not wear the kilt or that no dean in Argyll ever does or ever should? You say “never” with such impressive certainty.

  7. You are not Cosmo Lang. No.

  8. Kelvin, step away from the gaiters!

    No, basically.
    If this was the turn of the 20th Century then yes, but not now.

    What gave you that thought?

  9. Christina says

    I’m with Doug – are you trying to make the Church look even more outdated that it does naturally?

  10. kelvin says

    I’m interested that the negative comments seem to come from those who have probably never seen clerical gaiters worn upon real live clerical ankles. The one person with such experience voted in favour, though wanted my ankles to be examined by a medic, a physio and a professor of New Testament (all clerics) before allowing me to step out in glory.

    I have to add that I’ve had my eye on a rather fine pair of Paul Smith boots on e-bay today, so I’m not sure that I’m advocating looking outdated at all.

    Are gaiters really not the future?

    Paul Smith gaiters! Oh yes.

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