Hard to think of anyone who has brought as much innocent pleasure to my generation.
The Blog of the Provost of St Mary's Cathedral, Glasgow
Hard to think of anyone who has brought as much innocent pleasure to my generation.
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Noggin the Nog was one of my first TV experiences. The Clangers were a masterpiece.
Noggin the Nog was the favourite on almost every construction site in the UK. Wonderful entertainment for all adults who have never grown up
All we had were the Bill and Ben, The Woodentops and Tales from the River Bank which scared me (and still does). In fact I started off with Listen with Mother – that’s how old I am!
I too had Bill and Ben and I too remember Listen with Mother.
Did Listen with Mother not come on immediately after the Archers Ruth? And thus set your listening habits for a lifetime.
Noggin the Nog can also be found on youtube. Seek and ye shall find.
I’m particuarly struck by the beauty of the Clangers episode posted above. It is gentle and kind and all about classical music. It is also clearly influenced by the moon landings. It can be no coincidence that the clangers started in 1969.
Compare and contrast the gentle goodness of the clangers with the society which produced the Tellytubbies.
[Note to editors of my future biography, the moon landings are my earliest memory].
At last! A subject on which we can all agree. All the Smallfilm productions retain the ability to warm the heart – and, if our small visitors are anything to go by, catch the attention of children. It’s the sheer quality of the storytelling. Oliver Postgate is one of those people I regret not having met.
Being of an even earlier vintage than the Provost, my favourite is Ivor the Engine. Doubtless there’s also something to do with that mysterious alchemy betwixt steam engines and those of a clerical bent.
Every hearing of Cwm Rhondda brings it all back: the Merioneth and Llantisilly Rail Co; Jones the Steam; Evan Evans the Song; Dai Station; Mrs Porty; and (of Course) Idris the Dragon – who, I hasten to add, is quite the nicest dragon ever to have graced the large or small screen…….
Oh a nostalgia trip! I watched all these wonderful programmes with my sons, although Ben was terrified by the noise of the Clangers. As for Listen with Mother it was certainly broadcast after lunch and if it wasn’t the Archers it followed it was Mrs Dale’s Diary. Can anyone remember a TV programme from the early 50s called The Penguins? I have yet to find anyone else who watched it. [I appreciate most of you are too young to help in this way]
Anne, perhaps you mean “Meet the Penguins” which I have found online at
There are another couple of good nostalgic TV sites which are worth a look:
Enjoyable as the Clangers and Noggin were, i have to say it was Ivor the Engine that was my favourite especially Idris the dragon, who got cold so slept in Ivor’s firebox! Teatime was a thing to get ready for – especially if Kenneth Williams was on Jackanory!
Many thanks. What joy!
Every now and then I feel my continued existence is justified!