New Corporate Image

The proofs of the new corporate image for the Scottish Episcopal Church have arrived at last today. It has been quite a job for the Information and Communication Board and I was getting worried that they would not arrive in time for this year’s General Synod to approve them.

Synod will actually be part of the process in that it will make a decision about the final logo which will appear outside all of our churches by the end of the year. The well known ‘piscy pub-signs will all go and be replaced by new boards.

These are the two final images that synod members will have to choose from:


The influence of the designer is clear. It was the same designer who designed one of the logos for a prominant UK political party who was happy to work at low cost for the church once the speakers at the Provincial Conference were announced last year.

The process has been a particularly fruitful one, with faciliators working with focus groups in each diocese to develop the logos. A particularly valuable outcome is that this leaves us with a network of trained facilitators who will be able to work in dioceses. (The theme for the groups was “New Ways of Seeing Church” and it is hoped that this work will now trickle down to congregational level).

The bishops have been involved fully in the process and it was left to them to decide on the background shade of red. Two colours were put to them to vote on. Although in the end, it is believed that they had to choose by drawing lots, all are reported to be satisfied with the outcome and are looking forward to working together. Indeed, they believe that the logo drafting process is a model which could be shared with the wider Anglican Communion.

The logo has been designed so the networks and groups in the church will be able to adapt it for their own use.

For example:


  1. Ha !
    Fooled the Hub n me fer a moment there las’ wednesday – but I didnae get onter the system agen til the noo t’comment.
    Nice One Padre !

  2. Ritualist Robert says

    I would have thought that the SEC welcomes people throughout the week. The logo with a Lebanese cedar tree is curious – hardly an outward and visible sign of a church located in Scotland!

  3. Ritualist Robert says

    Ugh! Had I read this on 1 April I would have realized it was a hoax! Well done, Mr Provost.

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