New Lesbian Bishop

Looks like the world is about to welcome its first bishop in a mainstream denomination who happens to be a lesbian. There has just been an election in the Church of Sweden which has resulted in the election of Eva Brunne (who is in a registered partnership) to the Diocese of Stockholm.

Congratulations to Eva. No doubt prayers are in order for her and her partner and their son.

The Scottish Episcopal Church is in full communion with the Church of Sweden thanks to the Porvoo agreement.


  1. Dear Kelvin,

    This is not really on point but I just wanted someone to tell me what the point of the Anglican Covenant was?

    I have read it a few times and I cannot see how it will sort out the problems within the Anglican communion.

    Can you help?



  2. I’m not sure I can be any help with that question, Steven. I don’t think that the Anglican Covenant will sort out any of the problems within the Anglican communion.

  3. David |Dah • veed| says

    So, I cannot help wondering if the ABC of the CoE will treat her and her CoS as cooly as he treats the Bishop of New Hampshire and TEC. Paragraph 58 subsection b sets up almost identical relationship for the Porvoo churches as does membership in the Anglican Communion; in a nutshell, your members are our members, your clergy ordained by bishops are our clergy, etc.

  4. The Church of England does not recognise the episcopal ministry of women, even those who are consecrated outside England. ie women bishops are not allowed to perform Episcopal functions in England. Neither, so it seems are gay bishops.

    The Scottish Episcopal Church does recognise women who have been ordained in episcopal orders.

    Try explaining that to a puzzled Swede who thinks she is in full communion with both the SEC and C of E.

  5. David |Dah • veed| says

    So the ABC of the CoE in reality does not recognize the episcopal and primatial ministry of the Presiding Bishop of TEC?!?! He invited her and all the female Anglican bishops to the Lambeth Conference. So did his predecesor. He invites her to the Primates Meeting.

  6. And was she invited to do anything Episcopal whilst she was there? No!

    I understand that she can’t, for example join in confirmations or ordinations in England, whilst should could in Scotland.

    I don’t think that a C of E bishop could lay on hands at a consecration of a bishop who happens to be a woman either. However, I’d be happy to be corrected.


  1. […] Local news-site that bishops from England and Ireland are boycotting the consecration of the next Bishop of Stockholm. (Tip of the biretta to Fr […]

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