6 things I'd hope for in a new bishop

There is a sifting process going on at the moment by the Prepartory Committee for the Episcopal election in this diocese. We must all wish the Committee well and keep them in our prayers.

Here are five things I would hope for in a new bishop

  1. Sense of humour
  2. Able to preach and represent the church well, in both lowly places and in grand places
  3. Unafraid of decision making
  4. Good theological education (which means the equivalent of a 3 or 4 year full time theology degree in my book)
  5. Ability to say “no” with kindness
  6. Ability to say “yes” with enthusiasm

What would you hope for?


  1. Gordon Aitken says

    1. Ability to handle both sword & pistol.

    2. Ability to take a joke & to make a good joke.

    3. Not to be hysterical.

    4. a sense of irreverence.

    5. Not to be awed by Canterbury.

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