6 things I'd hope for in a new bishop

There is a sifting process going on at the moment by the Prepartory Committee for the Episcopal election in this diocese. We must all wish the Committee well and keep them in our prayers.

Here are five things I would hope for in a new bishop

  1. Sense of humour
  2. Able to preach and represent the church well, in both lowly places and in grand places
  3. Unafraid of decision making
  4. Good theological education (which means the equivalent of a 3 or 4 year full time theology degree in my book)
  5. Ability to say “no” with kindness
  6. Ability to say “yes” with enthusiasm

What would you hope for?


  1. fondness for Pink Candles :-).

  2. Actually, Beat, I would hope for a bishop to have a good sense of humour for her own benefit, not my own.

  3. The ability to say to clergy –
    You have been too long in this place, you must move.
    You are not the right person for this charge, let’s see where else we can put you.
    It is not healthy for an NSM/retired priest to hang around one congregation too long – you’ve been there 2 years, let’s see where else you might help.

  4. Discernment of spirits, courage to follow where the Spirit leads, and persuasiveness to bring the other Bishops along.

  5. Peter, everyone knows I live in the boondocks. This was a sine qua non for my choice. These city types have other ways!

  6. Inclusive, (Father), pastoral (Son), and ready to throw away the rule book (Holy Spirit).

  7. Rosemary says

    Honestly? I’d hate anybody whose children obeyed them.

  8. I think Ruth has been in her present post far too long.
    My application form is in the post.

  9. Oh no you don’t!


  1. […] Kelvin has been saying what he wants in a new bishop. You can add to the list here.  Of course we are very happy with the one we’ve got. (If you’re reading this Bishop […]

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