Liturgy Instruction Video

There is so much to say about this video. The scary oversize puppets around the altar and the white sixty-somethings jigging about to African drums are parts of the mass that you just don’t expect, do you?
Don’t miss the asperges that you can see three minutes in. And the censing of the gospel book that comes just after it.

Oh, its been far too long since we had a Provincial Conference, hasn’t it?


  1. Where can I get those puppets? I just so need them here! More seriously and perhaps bizarrely I actually loved the music in this.

  2. GadgetVicar says

    Kelvin, By publishing this, I hope that you are not announcing your intention to innovate liturgically at the cathedral by not waiting for a Provincial Conference and introducing these practices? Mind you, many small children, and not a few adults, would be terrified by those puppets.

  3. Aaron says

    Oh. Sweet. Holy. Mary. Mother. Of. God.

    This actually manages to make our synod look traditional and tame.

  4. I am not so sure that they were puppets, I couldn’t see any strings, in any event I think they would terrify the Sunday School. I did like the non physical contact sharing of the Peace though, at least I think thats what they were doing.

  5. We’ve done some of that music at St Mary’s.

    The main thing is that the priest was wearing black shoes.

  6. Zebadee says

    Wonderfull. If only we had had this today where we were. Expect nothing less next Sunday at the Cathedral for our visit.

  7. Calum says

    I shouldn’t judge … but what the heck. One thing’s for sure: I bet no thurible has been censed to such jazzy music before.

  8. Gordon says

    I believe that your phrase “you can’t take things too far “ is now redundant!

  9. This is utter bobbins. The singing is appalling and the dancing hilarious if it weren’t so boke-inducing. And I’m being polite because this is a polite, family blog.

  10. Rosemary says

    I think puppets, because you don’t need strings to have puppets – as in glove, finger shadow, etc. I thought I liked puppets – I have long desired to do ‘The Parables of Mr Punch’ and restore the humour and the anger of the parables. But I also have to admit these puppets gave me the creeps.

    I think it was the scale, and the fact they were too big for their internal operatives to manipulate easily enough so they lacked the emotion puppets should convey – ‘War-horse’ horses are big, but have several operatives, and Punch is grotesque but more easily operated, so he has a wider range of gestures available.

    I keep feeling this could have been more than it was.

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