Seems like we’ve just lost a battle, but we’re winning the war.
So sad to see the Archbishop of York standing up in the House of Lords to fight for the church’s right to discriminate against those who work for it. Extraordinary to see the Bishop of Winchester say that he “should be very surprised indeed if the noble Lord [Ali] had any evidence of any clergy being put at any kind of risk at all simply on the grounds of their orientation, in the sense that the churches use the word, as opposed to their conduct in matters sexual…” (Hansard 25 Jan 2010 : Column 1198).
Its hard to understand that, isn’t it? The obvious public example is Jeffrey John, and that was pointed out to him, but you don’t have to go far in the church to find gay people who believe that they are discriminated against on the ground of their sexual orientation.
What was the Bishop of Winchester up to in making that claim? Did he believe what he was saying at the time? Because we are people of goodwill and generosity, we have to believe that he did. So what was in his head?
Here trolly, trolly.
Why do they always run away when they feel an asswhuppin coming?
Peter O is, irrespective of his position on this issue, very far from being a troll. The one time I can recall *others* engaging in homophobic abuse at his blog, Peter did warn those responsible that such messages wouldn’t be tolerated in the future. Frankly, it would be a shame to me if an ethos developed where people only commented on the blogs of those they agree with ( I concur with Kelvin on most non-Advent candle colour issues, but tend to haunt fr.gadgetrector’s evangelical blog more than any other!).
Sorry Ryan, I strongly disagree. I find Peter and his brother David to be nothing but trolls who throw out red herrings and spread lies.
David | Dah•veed
Enough already! That kind of commenting is not welcome here. If you want to call Peter names then the place to do so is on his own blog, where he has the choice whether to publish such comments or not and can make his own decisions how to deal with it. Either that or start your own blog.
This particular blog thrives on comment, and other people get nervous and frightened and don’t post anything if they think they are going to get attacked like that.
Ryan is quite right, churchy blogging would be greatly diminished if people only got to read and comment on the blogs of those whom they agree with.
Sorry Ryan, I strongly disagree. I find Peter and his brother David to be nothing but trolls who throw out red herrings and spread lies.
At which point David will easily provide us documentation of a “lie” that I have spread…
Of course, if he can’t it would be highly ironic.
I am sorry Father Kelvin. I know that your blog is one of decorum and civility in Anglican blogland. At one point you were moderating the comments on this post and I thought that should I try to post a comment of which you did not approve you would nix what I wrote. I was surprised that you had taken the moderation off and my comments went right through. Again, I sincerely apologize to you and anyone who has felt intimidated by what I wrote.
I participate on a number of blogs, on a daily basis. The same blogs all of the time. I do not believe that I have enough original thought to add a blog of my own, but have enjoyed participating in the blogs others maintain.
I find that when those blogs post a topic such as in this thread that there are three individuals who do not normally show up to participate on the mundane every day threads, but post hit & run snarks, or begin posting the same tired rhetoric that they post on the topics anywhere and everywhere that they participate. To me, that very much fits the definition of a troll. Peter Ould is one.
He started his participation calling names when he labeled the Revd Jeffrey Johns an unrepentant sinner, and later the rest of us here liars whose faithful witness should not be believed because we will not supply him names.
Peter, at this point what is ironic is that I would be in violation of the tone Father Holdsworth desires for his blog. I know, how convenient for me. However, I value his friendship and the insight and leadership he quietly disseminates, so I would be grieved to be invited to leave and not participate here.
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