All of the glory, none of the angst

Its Ascension Day today. (Its always a Thursday, you know).

One of the best of the Feast Days to celebrate. All of the glory, none of the angst.

Bishop Gregor is keeping it in St Mary’s tonight at 7.30. The music will include the lovely Little Organ Mass by Haydn.


  1. Elizabeth says

    I bet there was a war between the 50 day people and the 40 +10 day people. And spies!

  2. and I again, Elizabeth, there is a novel in it…

  3. Zebadee says

    Kimberly– You are the person to write the novel

  4. Elizabeth says

    I agree with Zebadee.

  5. bound by confidentiality, as you know.

    But there’s a thought: ‘dear difficult parishioner, you really should be nice to me, because if I were to give up on this way of life, my next project would be…’

  6. Rosemary Hannah says

    Gosh – only the thought of that would ever make me suggest you reconsider your vocation!

  7. Elizabeth says

    What about wildly inaccurate historical fiction? Knights Templar, feuding Ascension factions, etc.? I feel the bunnies in the Dunblane Cathedral window could play a crucial role. Surely that doesn’t violate any vows?

  8. but that takes real work and knowledge, Elizabeth. History and I never got on very well.

  9. Rosemary Hannah says

    Having on occasion attempted to read books like that presented by kind friends. let me tell you that it so does not take any kind of research or understanding. Not even at higher levels – Jill Paton Walsh’s ‘Knowledge of Angels’ starting with a premise on the breastfeeding of babies which I could have proved in two minutes was contrary to established facts. Sadly I could not throw it through the nearest window as I was illicitly reading it in Mount Stuart’s drawing room where it had been left to provide a lived in feel to the room.

  10. Ritualist Robert says

    It always seems to me to be a contradiction that the priests who tell us that the paschal candle represents Christ at the Easter Vigil are the same priests who tell us that the candle should stay in situ and lit till pentecost.

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