Back to base

Coming back to St Mary’s was rather a shock yesterday. In the time that I had been away at General Synod every piece of equipment known to every broadcast engineer in Scotland appeared to have been put in the Cathedral. This is the weekend that a number of pieces of music are being recorded in St Mary’s for broadcast in three Songs of Praise programmes in August.

It is utterly incredible that they manage to produce pictures that don’t include any of the clutter that goes along with the experience. Conducting worship this morning was a bit of a trial. One service had to be moved from one place unto another and I have to acknowledge my gratitude to the member of the congregation who insisted late last night to someone that leaving kit in the pulpit was not really an option. I was not best pleased to find fire exits with trailing wires across them and trailing wires near where we serve communion. However, a couple of stewards soon installed themselves to remind people where the wires were, catch the fallen and keep smiling on through.

The end is in sight however, just another day of this and then we should be able to get back to a bit of normality. Well, I say that, though there will be more furniture removal for next Saturday’s Blessing of the Bicycles. I dare say I’ll say more about this as the week progresses, but for now, if you want to know more, have a look at the dedicated webpage or check out the event on facebook.


  1. Have you invited the Primus to come along with his Brompton?

    Personally, I doubt that bicycles are a helpful liturgical tool. The last time I was on one, it was in tandem with my training rector. We fell. We bled. Weeks passed before we could kneel at the daily office.

    (though perhaps if bikes still came with sparkly ribbon streamers as they did when I was 8, I could be persuaded)

    • It sounds to me as though it would have been quite a good idea to have looked for a blessing before taking to the tandem.

      +Primus has been invited by facebook.


  2. David | Dah•veed says

    Unlike with pets, bikes are less prone to accidents on the carpets.

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