I wonder whether this would be a suitable present from the Province to Fr Kevin when he takes up his post as Bishop of Argyll and The Isles next year.
The Blog of the Provost of St Mary's Cathedral, Glasgow
I wonder whether this would be a suitable present from the Province to Fr Kevin when he takes up his post as Bishop of Argyll and The Isles next year.
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Might get stuck in a bog …
Just the moment to pray for a miracle.
This unnervingingly reminds me of an M&S advert, what with the make-out music and husky voice-over.
“This isn’t just any church on wheels … this is a Highway-Compliant miniature church with removable bell and triple-glazing … “
I think it’s great. But the inside needs to be painted and gold leafed, rather than waxed, and Kevin would have to be able to choose his own paintings, statues, and details.
Those of you who’ve been to Boston: do you suppose the idea could be combined with the Duck Tour buses so that the mobile church could serve also as a ferry (especially useful for funerals)?
I just have this wonderful thought that the answer to so many issues affecting Argyll and The Isles could be a wandering daily celebration of Corpus Christi.
“Corpus Christi on Wheels!” How about that for a diocesan motto?
Some bright spark would still fit an aumbry for when the peripatetic priest has h/is/er day off.
I think Kimberley’s idea is great, especially combined with Kelvin’s idea of Corpus Christi on Wheels. Fr Kevin could get have Corpus Christi on the waves. I am sure he could charter a Duck from London.
I’m OK with the idea of fitting an aumbry — but it would be for the Evensong and Benediction road show.
Might there be impromptu floating Benedicite workshops?
All you guillemots, bless ye the Lord.
All you seals and otters bless ye the Lord.
Cormorants, dolphins and shag
Bless, oh bless ye all the Lord.
Wouldn’t fit the driveway
Peter – if we get it floating, he could keep it in the bay. Is there no longer an episcopal anchorage provided?
All contextual to our mission context…
O ye CalMac ferries, and all that move in the Waters (unless ye wind blows greater than unto 3 knots in which case ye be tied up thereunto the jetty until ye tempest be verily past), bless ye the Lord:
praise him, and magnify him for ever.
Would this help on the sea-ways of the West?
Gilded domes and all…