A present for Fr Kevin?

I wonder whether this would be a suitable present from the Province to Fr Kevin when he takes up his post as Bishop of Argyll and The Isles next year.


  1. Peter says

    Unfortunately, no. Just before I moved to Argyll, David Bayne characterised the diocese as being downhill ever since Chinnery-Haldane had to get rid of the steam yacht.

  2. Oh, I think steam yachts may be on the horizon once again. I do hope so.

  3. Cool video! And , talking of well-travelled shiny things, have you seen who’s signing books in a Glasgow Asda tomorrow? 😉


  4. ah, *that’s* why you don’t like him…

  5. Zebadee says

    Return of the Steam Yacht. YES YES YES. Clyde built, one would hope so

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