Archbishop promotes Bisexual’s Bible

Oh, do forgive me for the attention seeking title. I just couldn’t resist. Its just that I find myself gently raising a curious eyebrow at the current love-in being manufactured for the anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible.

When I heard that the Archbishop of Canterbury had based his New Year message on the KJV, I have to admit that I groaned. It just seemed to be so backward looking at a time when one can say something forward thinking. Indeed, when I heard the message on Radio, I thought it was poor. However, when I saw the video, I have to admit that I was much more impressed. Its a New Year message meant for video and well worth looking at over on his website. It is nothing if not clever and I have to say that I quite admire it now having seen the visuals.

Curiously, Fr Archbishop doesn’t seem to have much to say about the personal life of our own dear King James VIth (and Ist).

Odd that, isn’t it?


  1. Steven says

    Slightly off point here but Kelvin indicated an admiration for tabloid headlines…it would be very hard to beat this one:

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