EMU has been reviewing its way of working. Do they need a more pro-active way of responding to events. Church leaders to meet once a year? Another implimentation group to meet more often? More will be discussed this year.
Scottish Churches House, Dunblane – we have tried to find a way forward in a way which would allow all voices to be heard.
+David speaks of complicated history of Scottish Churches House. There had been a process of transferring management to a new management body. It became clear that was not going to happen and it became clear that it was not economically viable.
Trustees then presented a series of proposals to the members. (+David is the person who votes for us). +David voted against proposal to sell and so it did not go through. The lease was then put open to tender. The more we thought about it the less we were happy about it – not much gain to the ecumenical movement to tie up house for 25 years or more.
Next Wedneday there is a meeting of members and trustees facilitated by Cecilia Clegg to look at all the options for the future next Wedneday.
Norma Higgot speaks about the Churches Connect website.
Four Nations Faith and Order has discussed Anglican Covenant, Diaconate and other issues.
Bishop Brian felt that the discussion he was part of between C of S, Piskies and C of E were the most interesting that he has taken part in.
Sari Salveson – has been living with anger and shame since learning that Scottish Churches House was closing. Why have these issues not been discussed before?