Mission and Ministry – more

Now get to reports from the Pendant Committees of the Mission and Ministry Board.


  1. Peter Smart – convener of Ministry Development Committee. Curriculum of IME is doing better than ever and the relationship with dispersed TISEC is doing better than ever.

    • Rural Commission report asked for things to be incorporated into TISEC work – an optional residential weekend on rural issues will be offerd this year.

    • Forthcoming changes to ministry division validation processes are coming. (I don’t understand what they are so can’t blog about them).

  2. MDC agreed to recommend cessation of Certificate in Christian Studies (ie Lay Learning) with York St John. Lack of students seeking accreditation.

    Lifelong Lay Learning Officer – this post is not going to be extended beyond August. Current post holder will leave employment in SEC in August. He is thanked for what he has done.

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