Michaelmas – Thursday


We’ve a very special night coming up on Thursday at St Mary’s. We’re keeping Michaelmas with what promises to be a fabulous choral service. The choir will be singing one of my favourite Mozart masses – the Spatzenmasse. That means Sparrow Mass and if you listen carefully, you can hear the chirp of sparrows in the music.

At Michaelmas, we celebrate the victory of light over darkness. The posh name for it is the Feast of St Michael and All Angels. Never mind the sparrows, there will be angels and dragons in the liturgy too.

I’m glad we are having this service. I noticed last year that we were getting pretty good at turning out to the more glum feasts of the church – Ash Wednesday and All Souls and so forth but not very good at keeping the joyous ones. Michaelmas is a chance to simply enjoy  and celebrate with wonderful music and readings that goodness is stronger than evil.

All are welcome to this service, at which a special prayers of thanksgiving will be offered for all those who join in the ministry of welcome at St Mary’s and also for all those who have become connected to the congregation in the last year.

There’s a facebook event that you can use to show you’ll be coming here or to invite others. Oh, and there’s refreshments afterwards.

Kickoff is 7.30 pm on Thursday. Consider yourself invited.


Photograph Credit: Martyn Wright – Creative Commons License

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