It’s Time

Just watch this video – there’s people and places that you may well recognise.

I’m very pleased to be one of the faces in the video above, which has been produced by the Equality Network to galvanise the last months of the campaign for equal marriage in Scotland. Political leaders, celebrities, thinkers and so-called ordinary folk are uniting around the idea that same-sex couples should have access to the same rights, priviledges and responsibilties as straight couples.

It’s time for the law in Scotland to allow same-sex couples to marry. It’s time for the law to be changed to allow a couple to stay married when one goes through a gender transition. It’s time for gay and lesbian couples to have not merely the same rights as straight couples but also the same social status. In short, it is time for change.

The video has been many months in the planning and producing. I think it is exciting, joyful and a credit to all involved.

One of the most impressive thing about the equal marriage campaigning in Scotland is that it has been relentlessly positive.

I was partly preaching about this yesterday, the day that the Sunday Mail (which is not the Mail on Sunday!) came out gloriously in favour of the equal marriage campaign with a double page spread and an excellent leader column. The Sunday Mail is the widest read paper in Scotland, the Sunday sibling of the Daily Record. I’ll post that sermon on here in a day or two. For now, I’ll just watch the video above one more time.

Equal Marriage is mainstream. Not, as someone suggested to me recently, merely the concern of a tiny minority.

This is an idea whose time has come.

Beth’s blogging about this too – she was there!
And so is Christine McIntosh – she thinks it is time for change


  1. Craig Nelson says

    This is a really inspiring example of a good campaign video, really well executed. Fantastic mix of people of all walks of life, including party leaders. Brilliant shots of places of worship too (!). Deserves to be a viral hit all over the world and am sure it will be.

  2. Elizabeth says

    This is brilliant. What a great video. Watching it made me think how blessed I am in my marriage and my hope that marriage be available for all. Yes, it’s time. Past time.

  3. That’s pleasantly uplifting.

  4. Update:
    Ruth blogs about it and admires the dentistry.
    Kirstin knows what it is like to have someone try to stop your marriage.

  5. Linda Walls says

    That was just great!!

  6. Steven says

    love the tune

  7. Rosemary Hannah says

    Catch my memories of the really bad old days here – and a big smile for the happy new ones!

  8. Is that you at 1:43?

  9. That’s me.

  10. Margaret of the Sea of Galilee says

    Is that wonderful tune one that was composed especially?
    Who is singing it?
    It is wonderful; bouncy and inspiring.
    Well done, Scotland. It’s time!

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