Happy Frikkiday

On Sunday we had the happy coincidence of Dedication Sunday and Frikki Sunday – it was the Director of Music’s 50th birthday. This meant much joyful music throughout the day and a megasong service at night when some of those who have sung with him before or who sing with him elsewhere came along to enjoy the fun and wish him well. The choir numbered about 60 voices and thoroughly enjoyed belting its way through Kelly in C and And When the Builders by Richard Shepherd.

Here’s a picture of me, caught by Stewart Macfarlane, giving the notices at the end whilst similtaneously getting the congregation to get ready for singing a surprise final accapela anthem.


And here’s the Forum I did with Frikki earlier this year when we talked a bit about what inspires him and some of the elements that go into making the worshp here so exciting. Worth a second look if you’ve seen it before and worth looking at for the first time if you havn’t.

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