Over the past few weeks, I’ve not been terribly well. Bronchitis was the doctor’s diagnosis and it has gone on and on.
I thought it might be helpful to share the advice that I’ve been given in order to get better. After all, it could happen to you.
- paracetamol
- lemsip
- going to the doctor
- cough medicine
- reflexology
- vicks vapour rub
- steroid inhaler
- steaming
- aromatherapy
- eating oranges
- look after yourself
- steam room at the Arlington baths
- don’t use the steam room at the Arlington baths
- go out in the fresh air
- stay in
- decongestant
- garlic
- orange juice
- vitamin C tablets
- multivitamins
- menthol crystals
- staying under the duvet
- making sure you don’t get too hot
- opening the windows
- going to Millport for three months
- make sure you’re getting proper food
- look after yourself
- watch the television
- don’t just watch the television
- lots of vegetables
- the triduum
- incense
- tea-tree oil
- fasting
- antibiotics
- more antibiotics
- sleep
- rest
- jakeman’s throat sweets
- fisherman’s friends
- hot tea
- honey in your tea
- manuka honey
- lots of hot drinks
- let it take its course
- steamy showers
- a bit of sun
- go to the doctor again
- you must go to the doctor again
- stay off work
- just take another week being kind to yourself
- hot toddies
- whisky
- chocolate
I presume, as I am still sneezing and coughing that I’ve missed something. No doubt someone will helpfully give me some further advice.
Eat thin slices of raw garlic on either buttered toast or oatcakes – it works wonders for sneezes anyway. Gargle with tincture of myrrh, chew echinacea tablets, drink effervescent vit c, wear a hat to keep your head hot (including when indoors) to calm the sneezing and wear a scarf over your nose for the same reason. Oh and I forgot, best become a recluse while you do all this 🙂 it might work though, I’ve just cured my cold in two days.
Pinterest should do it.
Sign off all social media! Yes, I know, impossible…
Notice I only used one exclamation point.
Can’t help noticing that you don’t mention my suggestion of heavy-duty narcotics. Maybe that was the missing link …