It is very, very rare that I accuse someone of homophobia. Those who know me in Scotland, who happen to hold different views to me will know that it simply isn’t an accusation that I throw around.
However, I did make that accusation last night, against the Director of Communications of the Church of England.
Here’s the conversation. You need to know that Patrick Strud is the journalist to whom Christian rock musician Vicky Beeching told her coming out story which was printed in the Independent. Rev Arun Arora is the Director of Communications for the Church of England. Andrew Forshew-Cain is a priest in the Church of England.
In responding to a tweet about Vicky Beeching and the future of the Church of England, Arun Arora said that she was welcome in the church because all are broken. This is an entirely inadequate response to someone who has just come out. It is fine to say that all are broken – it isn’t fine to link that brokenness to the identity of groups of people who know prejudice at first hand. It wouldn’t be acceptable to say that black people are welcome in church because everyone is broken and so they are welcome – that would be racist. It is the same with those of us who are gay.
I think that Andrew Forshew-Cain and I might well be regarded as people well qualified to know what church sponsored homophobia looks like.
I’ve woken up today to many posts on facebook and on twitter from people agreeing that this tweet was unacceptable.
I’m absolutely prepared to agree that Arun Arora did not mean to be offensive in his post. However, he needs to learn from the people on facebook and twitter who have found it offensive.
Today belongs to @vickybeeching. Tomorrow the Church of England can decide: include gay people, celebrate diversity, or fall into obscurity.
— Patrick Strudwick (@PatrickStrud) August 14, 2014
@PatrickStrud that's a false dichotomy. Vicki is as much part of us as any who knows brokenness, is flawed, has hopes and follows Christ.
— Arun Arora (@RevArun) August 14, 2014
Ghastly tweet from @RevArun comparing @vickybeeching's sexuality to other people's brokenness. The voice of @c_of_e homophobia in action.
— Kelvin Holdsworth (@thurible) August 14, 2014
@thurible utter nonsense. The church is people. We are all broken. All flawed. All of Christ. That's why Vicky interview so powerful.
— Arun Arora (@RevArun) August 14, 2014
@RevArun not utter nonsense at all. That's the kind of comparison us LGBT folk get routinely. Its what Vicky has been talking about all day.
— Kelvin Holdsworth (@thurible) August 14, 2014
@thurible We differ. Appreciate it if you would refrain from throwing around insults. Saying we are ALL broken not homophobic but inclusive.
— Arun Arora (@RevArun) August 14, 2014
@RevArun can't imagine you comparing a straight couple's marriage to the brokenness of humanity. Standing by what I said.
— Kelvin Holdsworth (@thurible) August 14, 2014
@thurible @RevArun – kelvin I challenged Arun on this too. He doesn't get it at all. Which is why @CofE looks so bad so often in this debate
— Andrew Foreshew-Cain (@churchnw6) August 14, 2014
@thurible who mentioned marriage Or relationships ? I was taking about being human.
— Arun Arora (@RevArun) August 14, 2014
@RevArun You directly compared Vicky's sexuality to being broken. That is exactly what feeds the homophobia that Vicky has been challenging
— Kelvin Holdsworth (@thurible) August 14, 2014
@thurible no. I did not mention her sexuality. Reread my tweet. I said all Christians including Vicky are broken.
— Arun Arora (@RevArun) August 14, 2014
@RevArun Saying everyone is broken is fine. Saying that Vicky as a gay person is welcome because all are broken is homophobic.
— Kelvin Holdsworth (@thurible) August 14, 2014
@thurible @RevArun – Arun – you need to listen to what you're being told & understand what you're hearing.
— Andrew Foreshew-Cain (@churchnw6) August 14, 2014
@thurible clearly not going to agree. My point remains we are all broken and that's what defines us as being in need of Christ. Go well
— Arun Arora (@RevArun) August 14, 2014
@RevArun It would be racist to say that black people are welcome in church because all are broken. It is homophobic to suggest same re LGBT
— Kelvin Holdsworth (@thurible) August 14, 2014
“I’m right. You’re wrong. I’m not going to listen to you b/c I’m right and you’re wrong.”
In a nutshell, that’s what he’s saying…right?
I have a very hard time stomaching that level of arrogance. It’s unbelievable off-putting, and the antithesis of what being Christ-like is about, IMHO>
Thanks very much indeed Kelvin, Andrew and others too in challenging the homophobic statements, and with such clarity and courage. I’m really grateful and completely in support of all you’ve said. I will light a candle in Manchester Cathedral in the morning and pray that the Light may scatter the darkness of homophobia in The Church, be it wrapped in fear, hatred, superiority, suspicion or just plain old caution to accept change