Forgive my denseness, or ignorance, Kelvin – but what are the white bits?! Feathers? Rose petals? No, you could never throw them that high. Have you opened a magnum of superbubbly? – Whatever they are / it is, it looks lovely!
Christ is risen from the dead: By his death he conquered death, and to those in the grave he gave life! [Easter troparion]
Happy Easter, Kelvin!
Hail glittering Light bedecks the dawn! Indeed.
Greetings from Aotearoa/New Zealand
Forgive my denseness, or ignorance, Kelvin – but what are the white bits?! Feathers? Rose petals? No, you could never throw them that high. Have you opened a magnum of superbubbly? – Whatever they are / it is, it looks lovely!
Christ is risen from the dead: By his death he conquered death, and to those in the grave he gave life! [Easter troparion]
Silver stars fired from a glitter cannon. (No, really!) During the singing of Hail to thee O Queen of Heaven.
Oh, I see: they are a miraculous indoor Hail-storm. 😎
Your sexton now hates you. 😜