Statement on the Christchurch Terror Attacks Against Muslims

Glasgow in Scotland and Christchurch in New Zealand are linked by the fact that each contains a cathedral built to an identical design.

Christ Church Cathedral and St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow were built to identical plans.

Christian hearts and Muslim hearts are made to the same design as one another. Today we weep for all those who are victims of terror and intimidation.

Sadly, we are joined together in being broken-hearted at the news of the callous attacks against Muslim communities in Christ Church.

Christians follow teachings which encourage them to welcome strangers. There is no anti-immigrant rhetoric that can be called Christian.

Any attack on people at worship diminishes us all.
Any attack on people at worship is an attack on civilization.
Any attack on people because they are of the Muslim faith is utterly wrong.

My love and prayers go to the Muslim communities directly affected by this tragedy and to our own Muslim friends in Glasgow.

There is only one God and the God whom we all worship has compassion on all who mourn.


  1. Sue Matthews says

    Thank you Kelvin, beautifully expressed. There is no ‘other’ only one family on this planet, human beings all

  2. Meg Rosenfeld says

    Amen! Murdering in the name of Christ (or God, etc.) is insane.

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