In the media

It is not that long since I was basking in the glory of a certain double page spread in Vanity Fair. (And yes, I am still carrying that edition around with me).

Today it is the Daily Mail. (And no, I’m not carrying that edition around with me).

This is in connection with my new role as the public face of marriage in the Scottish Episcopal Church. We believe in it, you know.


I gather that the Courier, the Herald and the Currant Bun also have the story.


  1. Mike G says

    Hi Kelvin
    Mike the Presbyterian here again. Read about your comments on supporting the Marriage Fayre (or whatever it’s called) in the Herald this morning. Well done – I just wish our guys were there as well. This is precisely where we need to be!

  2. Kennedy says

    “certain double page spread in Vanity Fair. (And yes, I am still carrying that edition around with me).”

    I can vouch for this. I saw him having a sneak peek at the magazine at the Regional Council!

  3. Zebadee says

    Telephone calls have come in to the edge of the known world informing us of the news.

    Your fame is spreading. For such a shy and retiring type of person we are quite suprised at the publicity you are basking in.

  4. And seeing as our media officer has told those of us tending the stall on Saturday that ‘Kelvin will be there, but will be needed for the press/ photo shoots’, there can only be more basking ahead.

  5. kelvin says

    You make me sound like a basking shark.

  6. Did I ever take you to Mystic Aquarium to see the Sea Lions? I often thought of you there.

    Though it may well be that you have shifted aquatic category.

  7. kelvin says

    By and large, I resist all attempts to make me either look at or eat fish.

    There are exceptions to this rule – caviare and smoked salmon are the obvious ones.

    When not dieting, I don’t mind deep-fried cod or haddock from a fish and chip shop. However, I suspect that declaring a predilection for deep-fried sea-lion is going to win me no friends.

  8. Andrew CJ says

    And who indeed better than you to be the spokesman. And if you look good in brocade, you will look even better in the kilt. Especially that clergy tartan. You will be sporting the kilt, right? Just like the Bishop of Moray, Ross and Caithness. (See the picture in Inspire a couple of months ago.)

    (That kilt bit is so as to make absolutely certain that there can be no snarky comments about the SEC being slanderously tagged as the ‘English’ church. See one of your fairly recent posts. And, whilst we are at it, you tell all those prospective grooms that a church cannon states they must be married in the kilt too.)

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