I found myself last night staring at a noticeboard in dismay. There is a proposal to change the swimming pond timetable at my baths club.
No more long, languid Monday and Wednesday evenings of men-only swimming. We are to have a trial period of three months of mixed evening-bathing.
Is this the end of civilization as we know it?
Oh no! Hold the front page! Swimming with wimmen, heaven forfend.
I thought it was always men-only there.
I would like to chide you for your lack of inclusion, but given how envious I’ve been of your having that pool to yourself, I really can’t.
Do the women ever get it to themselves?
It is merely a proposal then surely you can protest in opposition and hopefully prevent the change? “Down With This Sort of Thing” placards might be an idea. Do most of your fellow male swimmers share your horror at the proposed change?
Kimberly – women and men have both been able to enjoy the same amount of pool-time throughout my experience of the Arlington. This is not I think, an issue of inclusion.
Ryan – I’ve no idea what my fellow bathers think. I guess all will become clear.
Ruth – I’ve no problem swimming with wimmin. I do like swimming lengths though and that has sometimes seemed more difficult when swimming during mixed sessions.
Sigmund Romberg: “I love to go swimmin with women”. Follow this lead and be amazed (or appalled).