Inclusive Church Roadshow

If I was not going to be in Glasgow marrying people tomorrow, I’d be in Edinburgh at the Inclusive Church Roadshow at Old St Paul’s.

It is a one day conference celebrating inclusion. More details on the OSP website here.

The old presumptions that the Scottish Episcopal Church is an open and inclusive church are currently being challenged by the behaviour of the College of Bishops. I rather think that we need things like the Inclusive Church thing whereas once I would have thought it not particularly relevant in Scotland. Wish I could be there – greetings and best wishes to all those going.

[If you’ve not booked and want to go, I recommend just turning up. They couldn’t turn you away when they have a theme like that, could they? Lots of places to get sandwiches and haggis in the Royal Mile if they have catering issues.]


  1. David | Dah•veed says

    Do you have bishops behaving badly?

    Our College of bishops is a timid lot. Except the Bishop Primate, and +Carlos is well known as an inclusive soul. [comment edited by KH] And I believe is a patron over there to Inclusive Church or Changing Attitude or something similar.

  2. Sadly I’m missing it for the same reason.

    Hope someone who gets there will blog about it for us.

  3. David | Dah•veed says

    Kelvin, no need to edit, they shout it much more explicitly from the rooftops at the usual suspect blogs every opportunity they have. It is not a secret.

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