If Christian Aid think its clever to employ someone from a PR agency to sit typing a charity spam letter into my own blog contact form, then the only conclusion that I can draw is that they currently have more money than sense. As a motivating technique for trying to get me to get other people out to help in Christian Aid week, I think it would be fair to say that it ain’t working.
Afternoon Kevin
Our apologies if the information that we sent you was not welcomed. Our intention is not to spam but speak directly to people who may be interested in the work Christian Aid are doing in various communities. As you have the Christian Aid banners on your site we were under the impression that you supported the initiative.
We will ensure that you are not contacted again.
Actually Sally, that’s to miss the point a bit.
I do support Christian Aid. I don’t support Christian Aid using bad PR techniques. I’ll maybe blog a bit more about this.
For starters, I don’t think that the text of what you sent me was at all appropriate. To address the Provost of an Anglican Cathedral (or, lets not be pompous, any Anglican priest) as though they will not have heard of Christian Aid is silly. It was not just style that you got wrong. It was substance too.
Oh, and by the way, I don’t put Christian Aid banners on my site. Surely a PR agency engaging in an attempt to use social networking for a client like Christian Aid ought to understand the difference between me putting banner ads on my site and Google Ads, which are served up by google and which depend on the content of the text and the context (location etc) of the reader.