Acrobats in church

I suspect that we don’t have enough acrobats in church these days.

Take a look at this video from the Vatican showing us the way forward.

I think that you’ll find that there is something for everyone in this video.


  1. David McCarthy says

    I understand that this troupe has been booked for the next meeting of General Synod. I feel sure that they’ll get a grand reception….. Beardy waving nuns to be provided by our Presbyterian friends.

  2. Agatha says

    I think I feel a bit sick.

  3. Hermano David |Brother Dah•veed says

    Sick and snowed, but with an active internet connection. I think that you now have too much time on your hands.

  4. Very nice! Hope everyone stays when they perform at General Synod 😉

  5. Don’t be giving Frikki any ideas, now. The idea of the choir adding this to their repertoire makes me feel distinctly queasy.

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