To Holy Mass

To church this morning – a less complicated route than last Sunday – I was able to walk this week as I was going to St Silas.

What a nice friendly bunch they are. And, Fr Gadgetvicar says a lovely mass too. Mind you, it is that long since I was at a 1662 communion service that I would not know what it is supposed to be like anyway.

It is nice going to church for a change. Really, it is.


  1. a neutral observer says

    Holy Mass

    It´s a real joy to me, that the Gadgetvicar and yourself, representing, as far as I can tell, two pretty opposite extremes in the current troubles that our beloved Worldwide Anglican Communion is going through, appear to get along. Or, at least, speak to each other. And now, what a great blessing that you two will be serving within a stones throw of each other. You have, perhaps, both been blessed with a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate what a communion built on the things that unite us, rather than destroyed by the things that divide us might really look like, in practice, on the ground, in the local neighbourhood. Which means more than just ignoring each other. And, as you are both bloggers, the eyes of the world are watching you now!

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