Book Review – Creating Uncommon Worship

Creating Uncommon WorshipThis book by liturgist Richard Giles does for the texts of the church what his previous book (Re-pitching the Tent) did for Liturgical Space. His conviction is that the primary minister at the Eucharist is the gathered assembly and not one individual. It is written with conviction and humour.
Quote: “When I was first ordained, incense was consideded very naughty in the Church of England, despite ingenious Scriptural interpretation by initiating clergy who pointed out a certain gift received by the Christ child from one of the Magi, and other hermeneutic tit-bits. The polarization around incense has largely passed, as it has around votive candles, mainly because as we have twittered on among ourselves about such details, the world has formed a queue in the local gift store to buy up every candle and incense stick it can lay hands on.”

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Book Review – Churches of Northern Europe

Churches of Northern Europe in Profile: A Thousand Years of Anglo-Nordic Perspective – Lars Osterlin
Written from the perspective of a priest of the Church of Sweden, (the late Lars Osterlin) this book provides essential background information to the Porvoo process. The Anglican churches of the UK have come together with most of the Baltic Lutheran churches in a scheme which recognises full communion between them. This book provides background information which traces the history of the links between churches across the North Sea.

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