Book Review – Iona Dawn

Edited by Neil Paynter (Wild Good Publications – £7.99)

Getting this book for your next Holy Week might be a wise move. The dramatic events of the days leading up to Easter Sunday are expressed here through biblical readings and the reflections of several well-known Iona Community members.

This is a more devotional book than some of the liturgical scrapbooks that have been published by Wild Goose in recent years. Holy Week provides a tight framework for the reflections of the authors. The book consists of bible readings, reflections and questions for each of the days of the Week. The questions that are posed will prompt gentle self-examination and reflection.
This is a book for anyone wanting more material for Holy Week. It could be used by groups, but is more likely to be used by individuals entering in private into the mystery of this week. The book is well presented, with many pictures of sea-lochs and mountains, presumably from the west coast of Scotland. Notwithstanding the obvious attraction of such images, they sit rather oddly with a text that comes very much from those who are not located on Iona but are working on the mainland.

George McLeod the founder of the Iona Community famously reminded us that Jesus was crucified “on a city garbage-dump, outside the walls, between two thieves.” He would have recognised the pathways that these writers have taken and the reflections that they offer to share with us through the greatest week of the year.

Iona Dawn: Click here to order

Book Review – The Eye of the Storm

The Eye of the Storm: Spiritual Resources for the Pursuit of Justice by Kenneth Leech
This is an honest spirituality. Kenneth Leech knows that an authentic engagement with God will mean that everything changes. Here is a writer to knows that to separate spirituality from justice is to do great damage to Christian consciousness. A recovery of wholeness is necessary in order to avoid a false polarity between the two.
Click here to order