Committee of Canons – Canon 62 – Of the Retiral of Clergy

Second reading is asked to make retirement procedures the same for stipendiary and non-stipendiary office holders.

Jeremy Auld presents the new amendments. Reference to pensionable age has been removed.Canon is without prejudice to the right to retire earlier. The retirement age of 70 is not new. It is currently there in canons. But the main point is to align stipendiaries and non-stipendiary processes. New change to put the onus on bishop rather than the cleric to give notice of retirement. There is also a procedure for appointing members of the clergy who are over 70.

Clergy under warrents, permissions to officiate etc are not affected – this only applies to office holders.

Notes that government is fazing out changes to employment retirement age. He says that this will not make any difference as clergy are not employees but office holders. (yawn).

Faith and Order Board Business – the Anglican Covenant process

Synod is asked to consider the process by which the Anglican Covenant might be considered. This is covered in the synod papers on pages 71-73.