Michael Lugton: previously it has been reported that the board should consider Banking on Bloodshed. A member of the Board has been to a conference on Banking on Justice. The Board has in March this year considered this matter. The fundamental question is the extent that the church wishes to look at relationship between finance and discipleship. Should consideration be given to placing funds away from mainstream banks? There is a good deal of interest across the church. Brechin Diocese is considering this. Some pratical difficulties in relying on banks without an extensive banking network. Also charity trustees have a responsibility to seek best returns.
A prior question is how the core values of our church can be defined in order to make a distinction betwen what is ethical and what is not. Board has not felt able to make any specific recommendation but believes there is a case to consider this further and the Board has resolved to ask the Mission and Ministry Board to ask that Church in Society Committee might be invited to consider this further. This committee has agreed to consider this in the coming year.
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