Darren McFarland: The new Service of the Word is now being licensed for experimental use with comments due back by Decemeber 2012. General Synod 2013 will consider what is hoped to be a final text.
This will be tested out in a focused way by two churches in each diocese chosen by the bishops.These congregations will get some extended support from the Liturgy Committee. Others can use it too.
The text will be used at clergy conferences, Glenalmond, training events etc.
Work on new Eucharistic Rite has not progressed so far. There has been some engagement with liturgical scholars. Liturgy Committee have reservations about an entirely new Eucharistic Rite. Now they are looking at a revision of the 1982 service – addition Eucharistic Texts and new material are probably needed rather than an entirely new rite. There is a love and affection for the 1982 liturgy and it seems people want to keep using it.
Have there been sizable shifts in liturgy and theology in last 25 or 30 years – this needs to be thought about before making new major revisions.
Next Anglican Liturgy Conference will be in Canterbury and will be considering rites relating to marriage and death.
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