Hallam Foe

After a hard day’s slog at the Nexus exhibition mentioned earlier, it was back to St Mary’s for a wedding rehearsal and then off to the Glasgow Film Theatre.

It was a treat – the Glasgow première of David Mackenzie’s new film Hallam Foe, complete with chatter with the director at the end.

It is an odd film; a weird film even, but well worth seeing. It is a strange oedipal piece about teenage angst, friendship and grief. An unlikely story, beautifully made into an interesting film. Peebleshire and Edinburgh shine.

Note to Synod Nerds: Remember that glorious room in the Caledonian Hotel in which the General Synod Dinner was held this year? Well, it plays a slide-on part in the film. (It is slid upon). We are supposed to think that the action takes place in the North British, but we know better, don’t we?

Hallam Foe goes on release next Friday. Strange, funny and worth a trip to the flicks.

The Walker

Just back from the GFT. Saw The Walker the new Woody Harrelson flick.

Lauren Bacall tossed her head in caustic fashion. Kristin Scott Thomas bit her lip over and over again. And Mr Harrelson spent most of the film being a deeply unattractive man.

Turned out to be a better film than you thought it was going to be whilst watching most of it. The bleeding heart of liberal America looked like a pretty terminal case by the end.