Late News – Complaint against Scott Rennie not upheld

Good news from the Church of Scotland – the case against The Rev Scott Rennie’s appointment has not been upheld by the General Assembly. He should be free to take up his post.

It is very good news. However, the Assembly is still to debate (on Monday at 4 pm) an Overture from Skye and Lochcarron Presbytery which states: “That this Church shall not accept for training, ordain, admit, readmit, induct or introduce to any ministry of the Church anyone involved in a sexual relationship outside of marriage between a man and a woman”

The struggle for justice is far from over. But tonight we must take heart from the Church of Scotland. This is a very significant moment in the struggle.

Quick Link – Lansdowne Blog

Roy Henderson, the minister from Lansdowne Parish Church, just along the way from St Mary’s has just started blogging.

He can be found here: