I’ve turned moderation on for my comments for a couple of weeks. That means that if you post a comment, then I have to approve it before it gets posted.
It is probably worth saying right now what kinds of comments that will get deleted without question. (And I’ve received more than my fair share of these in the last week).
Comments which appear to be legitimate but whose posters’ details point to porn sites.
Comments which contain homophobic epithets. I’m open to intelligent discussion but I’m not running a site which allows people to get away with silly name calling.
Comments which claim to prove something by quoting a single verse taken out of context from the Bible. Scripture is too precious to me to allow that. This is a place where the Bible is loved and honoured and treasured. Comments which use it as a weapon are unwelcome.
Comments promoting one Bible translation because all the rest are flawed. Like quite a few people who comment here, my Greek and Hebrew are a bit rusty. However, it was worth learning them as I can now make up my own mind about such matters. Go thou and study likewise.
Comments promoting or trying to raise money for particular missionary societies.
Comments disparaging women and in particular comments which undermine my female colleagues. I learn about God from them.
Comments trying to explain Penal Substution as a theory of Atonement. I know what it means. I know how it works. We’ve already established that like most Christian people I don’t believe in it. It gets boring if you try to explain it to me again.
I think that those who have been reading for a while know that I quite like an argument and of all people, I’m unafraid of robust discussion. However, there are limits, which are mostly set by what I think those who like the sanity and the sanctuary of this corner of the web expect.
Unlike God, I have a button to click when I don’t like someone, which sends them straight to the outer darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. If you post in any of the terms listed above, don’t be surprised if I use it. Don’t be surprised if I murmur a gentle blessing whilst doing so.
Comment, comments, comments
I’ve turned moderation on for my comments for a couple of weeks. That means that if you post a comment, then I have to approve it before it gets posted.
It is probably worth saying right now what kinds of comments that will get deleted without question. (And I’ve received more than my fair share of these in the last week).
I think that those who have been reading for a while know that I quite like an argument and of all people, I’m unafraid of robust discussion. However, there are limits, which are mostly set by what I think those who like the sanity and the sanctuary of this corner of the web expect.
Unlike God, I have a button to click when I don’t like someone, which sends them straight to the outer darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. If you post in any of the terms listed above, don’t be surprised if I use it. Don’t be surprised if I murmur a gentle blessing whilst doing so.
Comments on this post?
Most welcome.