We believe – a Christian LGBT creed

Things are changing so fast – it became socially unacceptable some time ago in many circles to give voice to prejudice against LGBT people. It is becoming unacceptable to reject marriage for same-sex couples. And now it is becoming a religious act to oppose the criminalization of gay folk.

Perhaps we need a short summary of what we believe. Do we need an LGBT Creed?

We believe
that everyone is made in the image and likeness of God

and that nothing can take that likeness away.
We believe that Jesus Christ
brought a message of freedom, integrity and salvation for all.
We believe in the Holy Spirit
who brings delight, joy, liberation
and holy common sense to the people of God.

We believe in the church
and are committed to remaining a part of it.
We believe discrimination, prejudice and the criminalization
of LGBT people to be sinful.

We believe that God’s abundant grace is leading the church towards
the full acceptance of God’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people.
We know the grace of God in the sacraments
and believe that all the sacraments are given for all of the people of God.
We believe that where God calls people into marriage
they are called to a way of life based on
love, joy, tenderness, faithfulness, permanence and stability.

We believe that human rights are part of a divine mandate for justice
that  is the birthright of all people.

What do you think?

[By the way, don’t forget that there’s a retreat for gay and bi men in March that I’m co-leading – bookings can be made online here: www.retreat.maniple.co.uk]