Book Review – Reclaiming the Sealskin

Reclaiming the Sealskin: Meditations in the Celtic SpiritReclaiming the Sealskin: Meditations in the Celtic Spirit by Annie Heppenstall-West is a series of meditations on themes that are mostly drawn from the natural world (eg Ripples, Deer, Fire, Otter). Each theme has a beautifully drawn card that comes ready to be pressed out of the book. The idea is to take a theme and carry the card with you to meditate on for a period of time. Each theme has a biblical text, something for mind, body and spirit and a simple prayer. The book might be used with groups or by individuals. Those making a retreat would find much to ponder in these pages. The whole thing is tinged with a post-modern Celtic aura. Little more needs to be said – those who like post-modern Celtic auras will love it.

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Published in inspires the magazine of the Scottish Episcopal Church

Book Review – Holy Ground

Holy Ground: Liturgies and Worship Resources for an Engaged SpiritualityThis is the kind of book that Wild Goose Publications do well. Here there are liturgical snippets for a wide range of occasions. Not everything in a book like this will be suitable for all churches at all times but that is not the point. All kinds of global concerns are represented here which are seldom covered by the liturgical work of churches and denominations. Globalization, food and water, HIV/AIDS, prisoners of conscience, aging, racism are all covered here. The pieces have all been contributed by members, associates and friends of the Iona Community. Its style is thus of a committed spirituality. Sometimes these words will jar in worship. They are meant to do so.

This is a book for all those involved in planning or thinking about liturgy who know that the world need not stay the same way that it is. It is for those who know in their souls that peacemakers are blessèd and that prejudices need to be challenged in the name of God. Often a phrase or a prayer or a part of a poem will spark other ideas for sermons or prayers. A book for those who dream of a better tomorrow.

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Published in inspires, the magazine of the Scottish Episcopal Church