Hand Holding and other PDAs

[UPDATE: Don’t miss the Guardian’s Kissing in Public Live Blog relating to the incident described below]


As I’ve already indicated, I spent quite a bit of the past week in that London. It’s unusual for me to take a holiday just before Holy Week, but it felt like quite a while since I’ve had any proper R&R as the holiday that I expected to take after Christmas was swallowed up in the Great Dose of the Flu and never really happened.

I’ve loved London ever since I lived there in the 1990s. Generally speaking it has been very kind to me. I know lots of folk don’t like the busyness and the bustle, but I love it. I love the capacity of the city to change too and its always interesting to look out for what’s changing when you return periodically.

Two things struck me this time. One was that it seemed as though there were more explicitly vegetarian restaurants. I happen not to be a vegetable myself, but quite welcome this development. Though I’m not vege, I have to be on a relatively low meat diet and so other possibilities are greatly to be enjoyed.

The other thing I noticed was that there seems to be a quiet social revolution underway in that there were quite a few more same-sex public displays of affection. What I specifically noticed was that there were gay couples holding hands in public, even on the tube. Apart from at Pride, I don’t think that was nearly so common in the past.

Clearly people are gaining more confidence to be themselves on the street and that’s a big step forward. Whether or not one likes PDAs oneself, the idea that two people can hold hands in public without risking street violence is hugely significant. The Day in Hand project and the recent Irish video that I posted show that there are moves to make things better and the sight of couples quietly holding hands in London shows that things are changing.

I was interested then to hear on the news this morning of a case where a same-sex couple had been thrown out of a Soho pub for kissing whilst meanwhile apparently, straight customers necked on in safety.

The inevitable has happened – one of the kissers has taken to twitter, outrage has broken out and a kiss-in has been organised for the same pub next week.

On the street, in the tube, in the pub, even in church. Normality is breaking out all over.

Its a trend you know. Its a definite trend.

However, I wonder how long it will be before the Mr Beamishes of the world face a twitter organised Kiss-(of-Peace)-In at their local church. A Flash Mob Peace would be quite and event, wouldn’t it?

E and B

Its a funny thing, Choral Evensong. A few years ago, I would have said it was purely of antiquarian interest. However, I was wrong.

Last night was a good example. Glorious music. Quite a diverse aged congregation. A diverse aged choir too. Gorecki’s Totus tuus utterly beguiling us all in its simplicity and sparse beauty. It was such a pleasure to be in the midst of it all and seeing and feeling the ancient patterns of prayer come to life in the known holiness of the building once again.

Last week I made it to Choral Evensong in London in one of the churches that I used to go to when I worked down there. It too was stunning. It helps having one of the most striking Norman interiors in the world and it always helps having a choir who know just exactly what to do with the psalms. The psalm singing is one of the regular joys of St Mary’s, but the one I went to down south was special too. Just five singers in the choir, singing Anglican chant impeccably.

However the strongest thing that I’ll take away from that particular service was Benediction. It was simply stunning. The organist knew exactly how to bring the whole thing to a climax (and I do mean climax) when the Blessed Sacrament was revealed in the monstrance and the congregation was blessed. Organ at one end of the building, bell ringing servers at the other. It felt as thought he whole building was vibrating with faith and joy. (At first I thought that they had installed a zimbelstern, but it was just the servers doing their thing).

“O Saving Victim, opening wide. The gate of heaven to us below…” is one of the things that gets Sung at Evensong. Though I’ve enjoyed many a Benediction in the past, that service in London on that one particular night made those words seem more true, more astonishingly, palpably true than any service I’ve experienced before, either in that church of any other. It will stay with me for a long time.

I’ve no plans on introducing Benediction to Sunday evening worship in St Mary’s. I like what we do and I think it works well. However, it did make me think about other possible opportunities.